The Deceiving Nature of Calisthenics Progress
Calisthenics Progress

The Deceiving Nature of Calisthenics Progress

On a superficial level, strength may seem like a simple thing to assess and measure. In this article we will take a deeper look at calisthenics strength, both in terms of acute measurement and asse...
The Ultimate Guide to Handstand Press

The Ultimate Guide to Handstand Press

We all know how frustrating handstand press can be to achieve. In this article I take a deep dive into the mechanics and methodology of learning handstand press. I will help you to choose the right...
The Mechanisms Behind Calisthenics Progress
Calisthenics Progress

The Mechanisms Behind Calisthenics Progress

The desire of progress is most likely the thing that links all of us. Most people are interested in unlocking skills like the planche, front lever or muscle up faster. This blog article will give y...
One Arm Pull Up - Why most Exercises don’t work?
Calisthenics Skills

One Arm Pull Up - Why most Exercises don’t work?

One Arm Pull Up is a very popular skill that appears on many people's objectives lists. Despite its popularity, often used and promoted methods have usually a lot of drawbacks. In this article we w...